Aldo Chaparro:
More Than This
9/18 - 10/30/2010
Gallery Sonja Roesch is pleased to announce MORE THAN THIS, an exhibition of new work by Mexico City based artist, Aldo Chaparro. Aldo Chaparro is best known for expanding the boundaries between art and other disciplines such as music, industrial design, editing and writing. His work takes inspiration from song lyrics and the pop culture that surrounds contemporary music and art rock. Through the use of different materials, Chaparro remixes and edits references from the media world pushing aside the notions of past and future to offer a present where simultaneousness co-exists. MORE THAN THIS is an exhibition of works in varied media that depart from the music, titles, and lyrics of songs that linger in our collective memory, such as the 1982 hit “More Than This” by English art rock group, Roxy Music. Fragments of lyrics and rhythms that we have all heard at one moment or another are brought back from our unconscious memory and re-presented to us as art. The experience between the work and the viewer is therefore questioned – is it a new experience from reading the text in a new context, or is it simply the memory of a feeling created by a particular song heard before? It is precisely this dialogue between the disciplines and the effect that such dialogue has over the viewer’s experience with his art that interests Chaparro the most. The exhibition consists of wall-mounted steel sculptures, light art, and a collaborative performance on opening night by Mexican musician Bibi Zambrano titled Here We Are Now, Entertain Us.
Aldo Chaparro was born in 1965 in Lima, Peru and has lived and worked in Mexico for many years, both in the cities of Monterrey and Mexico D.F., where he currently resides. His work is a direct reflection of the hip, contemporary art culture found in Mexico City today. He has exhibited in Argentina, Colombia, Dubai, Europe, Mexico, Peru and the United States. This is his first show in Houston. His work is represented in numerous private art collections both in the U.S. and internationally. Chaparro is also the publisher of Celeste Magazine and editorial director of Celeste Editorial Group, one of the most influential contemporary culture publishers in Latin America.